#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# simplicial_test -- a python module to realize simplicial degree-size sequences
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Tzu-Chi Yen <tzuchi.yen@colorado.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from . import validators
from .utils import *
from .custom_exceptions import NoMoreBalls, SimplicialSignal, GoToNextLevel
from copy import deepcopy
from sage.all import Combinations as combinations
except ImportError:
from more_itertools import distinct_combinations as combinations
import sys
[docs]class Test(SimplexRegistrar):
r"""Base class for SimplicialCheck.
degree_list : ``iterable`` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required
Sequence of vertex degree distribution.
size_list : ``iterable`` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required
Sequence of facet size distribution.
blocked_sets : ``list`` of integer-valued ``tuple`` objects (optional, default ``None``)
Facets that must be respected for non-inclusion.
verbose : ``bool`` (optional, default ``False``)
If ``True``, progress information will be shown.
**kwargs : keyword arguments
Keyword arguments to be passed to base type constructor.
>>> from simplicial_test import *
>>> degree_list, size_list = ([2, 1, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 2, 2])
>>> st = Test(degree_list, size_list, verbose=False)
>>> is_simplicial, facets = st.is_simplicial()
>>> print(is_simplicial, facets)
(True, ((0, 1, 3), (0, 2), (0, 4), (1, 2)))
def __init__(self, degree_list, size_list, verbose=False, **kwargs):
self._level = 0
self.s_depot = kwargs.pop("s_depot", SimplicialDepot(
sorted(degree_list, reverse=True), sorted(size_list, reverse=True)
trim_ones_first = kwargs.pop("trim_ones_first", True)
self.facets_to_append = []
if trim_ones_first:
self.size_list, self.degree_list, num_ones = pair_one_by_one(size_list, degree_list)
for _ in range(num_ones):
self.facets_to_append += [(len(self.degree_list) + _,)]
self.degree_list = self.s_depot.degree_list
self.size_list = self.s_depot.size_list
self.blocked_sets = []
self.depth = kwargs.pop("depth", np.infty)
self.width = kwargs.pop("width", 1e3)
self.s_depot.cutoff = kwargs.pop("cutoff", 1e5)
self.verbose = verbose
self.current_fids = []
self.non_simplicial_signal = False
if len(kwargs) > 0:
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized keyword arguments: {str(list(kwargs.keys()))}")
[docs] def fids2facets(self):
r"""Translate current selected facet ids to facets."""
facets = []
for _id in self.current_fids:
facets += [self.id2name[_id]]
return facets
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_distinct_selection(size, degs, blocked_sets, level_map):
r"""Select a candidate facet (of size ``size``).
size : ``int``
Number of vertices to make the facet.
degs : ``list`` of ``int``
Sequence of wanting/residual vertex degree distribution.
blocked_sets : ``list`` of integer-valued ``tuple`` objects (optional, default ``None``)
Facets that must be respected for non-inclusion.
level_map : ``dict``
facet : ``tuple``
The candidate facet.
Note that _ = vtx degree at original view, vid = vtx index at original view,
level_map[vid] = vtx index at current view.
# blocked_sets = [_ for _ in blocked_sets if len(_) >= size]
equiv2vid = defaultdict(list)
for vid, _ in enumerate(degs):
if level_map[vid] != -1:
key = tuple(get_indices_of_k_in_blocked_sets(blocked_sets, level_map[vid]) + [_])
equiv2vid[key] += [level_map[vid]]
equiv2vid["pool"] += [key]
equiv_class_pool = combinations(equiv2vid["pool"], size).__iter__()
while True:
facet = []
tracker = defaultdict(int)
for equiv_class in next(equiv_class_pool):
facet += [equiv2vid[equiv_class][tracker[equiv_class]]] # vids_same_equiv_class[tracker[equiv_class]]
tracker[equiv_class] += 1
yield tuple(facet)
[docs] def sample_candidate_facet(self, size, valid_trials=None):
size : ``int``
Number of vertices to make the facet.
if not valid_trials:
self.s_depot.valid_trials[self._level - 1] = self.get_distinct_selection(
size, self.s_depot.prev_d[1], self.blocked_sets, self.s_depot.level_map[self._level - 1])
counter = 0
while True:
if counter >= self.width or self.non_simplicial_signal:
raise NoMoreBalls
facet = next(self.s_depot.valid_trials[self._level - 1]) # candidate_facet
except RuntimeError:
raise NoMoreBalls
if validators.validate_issubset_blocked_sets(facet, self.blocked_sets):
counter += 1
ind, reason = self.validate(facet)
if ind:
picked_facet, picked_facet_id = self.register(facet)
self.current_fids += [picked_facet_id]
return picked_facet
self.non_simplicial_signal = self.s_depot.add_to_time_counter(self._level - 1)
[docs] def validate(self, facet) -> (bool, str):
r"""This function must return True in order for the candidate facet to be considered.
facet : ``tuple``
The candidate facet.
token : ``(bool, str)``
A tuple of the form ``(ind, reason)``, where ``ind`` is the indicator for whether
the candidate facet passes the validations and ``reason`` explains why they fail.
NoMoreBalls : :class:`simplicial_test.custom_exceptions.NoMoreBalls`
if we depleted this level and wanted to go up (i.e., from `lv` to `lv - 1`).
SimplicialSignal : :class:`simplicial_test.custom_exceptions.SimplicialSignal`
Signal that indicates a simplicial instance has been found.
sizes = self.size_list
if len(sizes) == 0:
return True, "Last facet explored."
passed, wanting_degs = validators.simple_validate(self.degree_list, sizes, facet)
if not passed:
return passed, wanting_degs # wanting_degs: Str = "short explanation of why the candidate facet fails."
blocked_sets = simplify_blocked_sets(self.blocked_sets)
for blocked_set in blocked_sets:
if set(np.nonzero(wanting_degs)[0]).issubset(set(blocked_set)):
return False, "Rejected b/c the remaining facets are doomed to fail the no-inclusion constraint."
if Counter(wanting_degs)[len(sizes)] != 0:
passed, (wanting_degs, sizes, collected_facets, exempt_vids) = validators.validate_reduced_seq(
wanting_degs, sizes, [facet], blocked_sets, verbose=self.verbose
if not passed:
return False, "Rejected while reducing the sequences"
if np.sum(wanting_degs) == np.sum(sizes) == 0:
for collected_facet in collected_facets:
if set(exempt_vids).issubset(collected_facet):
raise SimplicialSignal([facet] + collected_facets)
raise SimplicialSignal([facet] + [exempt_vids] + collected_facets)
exempt_vids = []
collected_facets = []
filtered = filter_blocked_facets([facet] + blocked_sets, exempt_vids)
blocked_sets = sort_facets(self.blocked_sets)
sorted_wanting_degs = sorted(wanting_degs, reverse=True)
_ = (tuple(sorted_wanting_degs), tuple(blocked_sets))
if _[1] in self.s_depot.explored[_[0]]:
raise NoMoreBalls
self.s_depot.mappers[self._level] = get_seq2seq_mapping(wanting_degs) # (mapping2shrinked, mapping2enlarged)
self.s_depot.compute_level_map(self._level, self.s_depot.mappers[self._level][0])
self.s_depot.collects[self._level] = collected_facets
self.s_depot.exempts[self._level] = exempt_vids
self.s_depot.candidates[self._level] = [facet]
blocked_sets = transform_facets(filtered, self.s_depot.mappers[self._level][0], to="l+1")
raise GoToNextLevel(sorted_wanting_degs, sizes, blocked_sets)
[docs] def is_simplicial(self):
if sum(self.size_list) == 0:
return True, self.__mark(True, self._assemble_simplicial_facets(self.fids2facets()))
if not validators.preprocess(self.degree_list, self.size_list):
return False, self.__mark(False, tuple())
while True:
self._level += 1
s = self.size_list.pop(0)
if self.non_simplicial_signal:
return False, self.__mark(False, tuple())
self.sample_candidate_facet(s, valid_trials=self.s_depot.valid_trials[self._level - 1])
except SimplicialSignal as e:
return True, self.__mark(True, self._assemble_simplicial_facets(e.message))
except GoToNextLevel as e:
degree_list, size_list, blocked_sets = e.message
if not validators.preprocess(degree_list, size_list):
self._rollback(self._level - 1)
self.degree_list, self.size_list = degree_list, size_list
self.blocked_sets = sort_facets(blocked_sets)
except NoMoreBalls:
if self._level == 1:
return False, self.__mark(False, tuple())
if self._level > self.depth:
self._rollback(self._level - 1)
if sum(self.size_list) == 0:
return True, self.__mark(True, self._assemble_simplicial_facets(self.fids2facets()))
def _clean_valid_trials(self):
for ind, _ in enumerate(self.s_depot.size_list):
if ind >= self._level - 1:
self.s_depot.valid_trials[ind] = None
def _assemble_simplicial_facets(self, seed_facets):
if self._level != 1:
for lv in np.arange(self._level - 1, 0, -1):
facets = transform_facets(seed_facets, self.s_depot.mappers[lv][1], to="l-1")
facets = [self.s_depot.exempts[lv] + list(s) for s in facets]
seed_facets = self.s_depot.candidates[lv] + facets + self.s_depot.collects[lv]
return tuple(sort_callback(seed_facets) + self.facets_to_append)
def __mark(self, simplicial, facets):
self.s_depot.simplicial = simplicial
self.s_depot.facets = sort_facets(facets)
del self.s_depot.valid_trials
del self.s_depot.explored
return self.s_depot.facets
def _rollback(self, level):
if level == 0:
self.non_simplicial_signal = True
self.non_simplicial_signal = self.s_depot.add_to_time_counter(self._level - 1)
for _ in np.arange(self._level, level, -1):
self.s_depot.candidates[_] = dict()
self.s_depot.exempts[_] = dict()
self.s_depot.collects[_] = dict()
self._level = level
self.size_list = self.s_depot.prev_s[self._level]
self.degree_list = self.s_depot.prev_d[self._level]
self.blocked_sets = self.s_depot.prev_b[self._level]
self._level -= 1
def _stage_state(self):
self.s_depot.prev_s[self._level] = deepcopy(self.size_list)
self.s_depot.prev_d[self._level] = deepcopy(self.degree_list)
self.s_depot.prev_b[self._level] = deepcopy(self.blocked_sets)
def _verbose_logging(self):
if self.verbose:
print(f"========== (l={self._level}) ==========\n"
f"Size list: {[_ for _ in self.size_list if _ > 0]}\n"
f"Degree list: {[_ for _ in self.degree_list if _ > 0]}\n"
f"blocked_sets = {self.blocked_sets}\n"
# f"currents = {self.s_depot.candidates}\n"
# f"exempts = {self.s_depot.exempts}\n"
# f"collects = {self.s_depot.collects}"