Source code for biSBM.painter

""" plots """
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import scipy.sparse as sps
from .utils import *
from itertools import combinations

from clusim.clustering import Clustering
import clusim.sim as sim
from sklearn import manifold
import numpy as np

[docs]def paint_block_mat_from_e_rs(e_rs, output=None, figsize=(3, 3), dpi=200, **kwargs): plt.figure(figsize=figsize) frame = plt.gca() size = [] x_index = [] y_index = [] for i in range(len(e_rs)): for j in range(len(e_rs)): x_index.append(i + 0.5) y_index.append(j + 0.5) size.append(e_rs[i][j]) plt.scatter(x_index, y_index, marker='s', color='k', alpha=0.8, facecolors='k', # edgecolors='k', s=size / np.max(size) * 100, label='') plt.ylabel('') plt.xlabel('') # and a legend # plt.legend(loc='upper right') # set the figure boundaries plt.xlim([0 - 0.2, len(e_rs) + 0.2]) plt.ylim([0 - 0.2, len(e_rs) + 0.2]) frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_block_mat(mb, edgelist, output=None, figsize=(3, 3), dpi=200, **kwargs): mb = np.asanyarray(mb, dtype=int) e_rs = assemble_e_rs_from_mb(edgelist, mb) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) frame = plt.gca() size = [] x_index = [] y_index = [] for i in range(len(e_rs)): for j in range(len(e_rs)): x_index.append(i + 0.5) y_index.append(j + 0.5) size.append(e_rs[i][j]) plt.scatter(x_index, y_index, marker='s', color='k', alpha=0.8, facecolors='k', # edgecolors='k', s=size / np.max(size) * 100, label='') plt.ylabel('') plt.xlabel('') # and a legend # plt.legend(loc='upper right') # set the figure boundaries plt.xlim([0 - 0.2, len(e_rs) + 0.2]) plt.ylim([0 - 0.2, len(e_rs) + 0.2]) frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_sorted_adj_mat(mb, edgelist, output=None, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=300, invert=True): font = {'family': 'serif'} plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() mb = np.argsort(mb) A = np.zeros([len(mb), len(mb)]) for edge in edgelist: e0 = int(edge[0]) e1 = int(edge[1]) A[np.argwhere(mb == e0)[0][0]][np.argwhere(mb == e1)[0][0]] += 1 A[np.argwhere(mb == e1)[0][0]][np.argwhere(mb == e0)[0][0]] += 1 M = sps.csr_matrix(A) plt.spy(M, markersize=0.01, marker=",") plt.xlabel(f"(Node index $i$) / {len(mb)}", fontdict=font) plt.ylabel(f"(Node index $i$) / {len(mb)}", fontdict=font) plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5) * len(mb), ('0', '0.25', '0.5', '0.75', '1')) plt.yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5) * len(mb), ('0', '0.25', '0.5', '0.75', '1')) if invert: plt.gca().invert_yaxis() ax.tick_params(axis="y", direction="in") ax.tick_params(axis="x", direction="in") ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_trace(oks, output=None, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=200): from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection summary = oks.summary() trace = [(i[1], i[2]) for i in oks.trace_k] lines = [] for ind, i in enumerate(trace): if ind != len(trace) - 1: lines += [(trace[ind], trace[ind + 1])] lines.pop(0) # remove the first line segment to make it prettier lc = LineCollection(lines, linewidths=0.5, color="#0074D9", ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=300) ax.add_collection(lc) ax.autoscale() ax.tick_params(direction="in") x = [i[0] for j in lines for i in j] y = [i[1] for j in lines for i in j] ax.scatter(x, y) # Locate the mdl point (Pink circle marks the optimal point (ka, kb)) ka = summary["ka"] kb = summary["kb"] plt.axvline(ka, color="#DDDDDD", linewidth=0.5) plt.axhline(kb, color="#DDDDDD", linewidth=0.5) # ax.scatter(ka, kb, marker="o", c="pink", s=200, alpha=0.5) # Black numbers indicate ordered points where graph partition takes place for idx, point in enumerate(list(oks.bookkeeping_dl.keys())): plt.scatter(point[0], point[1], marker='x', c="#FF4136", edgecolors="none", s=20) ax.margins(0.01) ax.set_aspect(1) plt.xlabel("$K_a$") plt.ylabel("$K_b$") k = np.array(trace) k.flatten() k = np.max(k) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, k + 1, 2)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, k + 1, 2)) plt.xlim([0, k + 1]) plt.ylim([0, k + 1]) # if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_dl_trace(oks, output=None, figsize=(4, 2), dpi=200): qc = oks.get__q_cache() na = oks.summary()["na"] nb = oks.summary()["nb"] e = oks.summary()["e"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=300) desc_len_list = [] for idx, key in enumerate(oks.oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"].keys()): mb = oks.oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"][key][1] nr = assemble_n_r_from_mb(mb) desc_len_list += [get_desc_len_from_data(na, nb, e, key[0], key[1], oks.edgelist, mb, nr=nr, q_cache=qc)] ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.1) ax.tick_params(direction="in") plt.xlabel("steps") plt.ylabel("DL") plt.plot(desc_len_list, 'o-') if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_similarity_trace(b, oks, output=None, figsize=(3, 3), dpi=200): clu_base = Clustering() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, dpi=300) e_sim_list = [] clu_base.from_membership_list(b) for g in oks.oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"].values(): clu = Clustering() clu.from_membership_list(g[1]) e_sim_list += [sim.element_sim(clu_base, clu)] ax.autoscale() ax.margins(0.1) # ax.set_aspect(1) plt.xlabel("steps") plt.ylabel("Element-centric similarity") plt.yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) ax.tick_params(direction="in") plt.plot(e_sim_list) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_landscape(oks, max_ka, max_kb, output=None, dpi=200,): mat = np.zeros([max_ka, max_kb]) for i in oks.bookkeeping_dl.keys(): try: mat[i[0] - 1, i[1] - 1] = oks.bookkeeping_dl[i] except IndexError: pass fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) # setup the plot colors_undersea =, 0.95, 256)) colors_land =, 1, 256)) all_colors = np.vstack((colors_undersea, colors_land)) cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('terrain_map', all_colors) # define the bins and normalize bounds = np.geomspace(min(mat.flatten()), max(mat.flatten()), 256) norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, 256) ims = ax.imshow(mat, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, origin='lower', extent=[1, max_ka, 1, max_ka], rasterized=True) plt.xlabel("$K_a$") plt.ylabel("$K_b$") # scaled colorbar that aligns with the frame divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(ims, cax=cax, label="DL (unit: nat)", shrink=1) ax.tick_params(axis="y", direction="in") ax.tick_params(axis="x", direction="in") ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.spines['right'].set_visible(True) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(True) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(1.5, max_ka + 1, 4)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(1.5, max_kb + 1, 4)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(1, max_ka + 1, 4)) ax.set_yticklabels(np.arange(1, max_kb + 1, 4)) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, dpi=dpi, transparent=True)
[docs]def paint_mds(oks, figsize=(20, 20)): l2 = len(oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"].keys()) l = int(l2 ** 0.5) X = np.zeros([l2, l2]) for idx_1, pair_1 in enumerate(combinations(range(1, l + 1), 2)): b = oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"][pair_1] clu_1 = Clustering() clu_1.from_membership_list(b) for idx_2, pair_2 in enumerate(combinations(range(1, l + 1), 2)): b = oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"][pair_2] clu_2 = Clustering() clu_2.from_membership_list(b) X[idx_1][idx_2] = 1 - sim.element_sim(clu_1, clu_2) X[idx_2][idx_1] = X[idx_1][idx_2] def _plot_embedding(X, title=None): x_min, x_max = np.min(X, 0), np.max(X, 0) X = (X - x_min) / (x_max - x_min) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for ind, i in enumerate(range(X.shape[0])): plt.text(X[i, 0], X[i, 1], str(list(oks.bookkeeping_mb["mcmc"].keys())[ind]), / 10.), fontdict={'weight': 'bold', 'size': 12}) plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) if title is not None: plt.title(title) clf = manifold.MDS(n_components=2, n_init=10, max_iter=10000, dissimilarity="precomputed") X_mds = clf.fit_transform(X) _plot_embedding(X_mds)